
For some ideas to add to your consideration of praying for survivors, their families and the Church:

The Little Grotto

An online little grotto set in a soothing cove in cyberspace, where visitors may light candles, share prayers and e-greetings with others, all for free. Why curse the darkness, when you can light a candle and share a prayer? Prayer warriors pray for all intentions and visitors daily. New prayers and feast-day e-greetings are added every few months.

Virtual Prayer Service for Survivors of Abuse and Those Whom We Love

A virtual prayer service, including a Litany of Love, in response to Pope Francis’s call for a Day of Prayer for survivors of abuse. Leaders were Catholic survivors of abuse by clergy and others with authority from all over the North America. September 29, 2017.

Holy Spirit Prayer for Survivors of Clergy Abuse — and Those We Love

Canticle to the Holy Spirit, for Adult Survivors of Abuse by Clergy, and Those Whom We Love, to pray together. Originally published by USCCB, March 27, 2013.

A Survivor’s Prayer Service 

A prayer service for survivors and loved ones. Originally prayed at the Dominican Retreat House, Vienna, Virginia, April 20, 2014.